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Healthy in body, healthy in mind

Category - Health & Fitness
Published on - 05 March 2019

In honour of our BRAND NEW meditation class we have provided you with all the basics of mindfulness to get you started!

To celebrate the launch of our new meditation class we have given you all the basics to practice mindfulness and meditation .

Whilst not about becoming a different person, or a better person meditation helps bring awareness to your thoughts in order to observe and understand them better. Much like learning any other skill, it takes consistent practise and time to get comfortable in your own mind.Meditation is a tool that we can all utilise to combat stress, anxiety and help improve focus.

Whilst is there is no such thing as perfect meditation, we have provided some of the basics of meditation to get you started.

Set aside some time

You won’t need any special equipment – just a space you feel comfortable with some all-important time.

Pay attention to the present moment

Whilst the aim of meditation is not to turn off your thoughts or feelings it is it bring attention to the present moment without judgement.

Let your judgements dissolve

When meditating its common to get distracted and notice our judgements – it’s important at this moment to take not of them and let them pass.

Recover and return to the present moment

As our minds often get carried away, and that’s why in mindfulness we focus on continuously returning to the present moment

Be kind to your wandering mind

Don’t pass judgement on any thoughts that arise, all you need to do is recognise when your mind has wandered and bring it back to focus.

Our new Meditation class launches on Wednesday 6th March 18:30 – 19:30. For March only, members will be entitled to bring a friend for FREE. Members only – For more information please visit our membership page.

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